
  • Attendance to lectures is not compulsory unless the teacher tells you otherwise!  Lectures normally have a lot of people and it would be hard to keep track of who's there, however, not impossible!
  • Attendance to seminars is generally compulsory. These are smaller groups with a seminar leader and it's easy to see who's there.


  • The longer your bibliography, the better your marks will be! Obviously if you have used reliable and relevant sources... 
  • This shows that you have supported your arguments with research.

Upgrade Study Advice

  • This is a free service offered by the university.
  • You get 1 to 1 help for 30 mins
  • They can help you with study skills (e.g. planning & writing assignments, grammar, structure...) and statistics and maths
  • You can ask for an appoiment by emailing them:

Safety Bus

  • It's a bus service offered by the Student Union that runs at night and you can use it if you need a safe way to get home at night and there are no other means of transport that you can use. 
  • It is run by volunteers so it operates when there is someone to run it!
  • There is a voluntary donation of £1
  • 077 1444 5050
  • Check out their website: