• Oxford is a student city which obviously means that there is a great night life!
  • In Oxford students go out almost every night and there are lots of clubs where you can go to...
  • The thing is that not all clubs are open every day and some clubs are more popular than others for certain days..

Here we give you some info on the clubs in Oxford and which days we recommend you to go there!


Bridge & Lava



MAMBO International Night (Bridge)

  • Great night with lots of international people and great music
  • We have an amazing partnership with them: £2 entry + 2 free shots with your ESNcard!! ​ 
  • For more info on our partnership click 'here'

Fuzzy Ducks (Wahoo) 





Oxford Pub Crawl

  • Unlimited drinks for 1hr, 3 pubs + 1 nightclub!
  • We have an amazing partnership with them: £14 entry (everyone else £14 online or £18 with a rep)
  • The tickets are available for puchase during our Office Hours
  • For more info on our partnership click 'here'


Other clubs...

There are other clubs that you can also go to which are:

  • Thirst, Lola Lo’s, Maxwells, O2 Academy

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