Are you looking to find a job while studying here?

  • There are plenty of jobs in Oxford for Brookes students because the students in Oxford University are not allowed to work!
  • There is a very wide range of jobs that you can get in Oxford from volunteering to casual and regular jobs.
  • If you need help with your CV visit the careers service at Oxford Brookes (more info below)


National Insurance Number (NIN)

  • You need it to work in the UK.
  • This is a number that registers you as a working person in the UK and that keeps track of the taxes that you pay to the government.
  • Check the website for more information:
  • How to get it:

1) Find out if you can work in the UK - if you are from the EU you have no problems and if you are international you should check your visa restrictions

2) If you can, then call the Job Centre Application Plus on: 0345 600 0643

  • They will ask you for some details and give you a reference number
  • The reference number is like a provisional National Insurance Number (NIN) that you can already use to work. However, with that number you have to pay high taxes so make sure you get your real NIN as soon as possible.  Just give the provisional one to your employer and tell them that you will change it once you get the real one.
  • Then they will make an appointment for you to go to the Job Centre in Oxford for you to go to an interview.

3) You will receive a letter to your home with the reference number, date of your appointment and documents that you should bring to the interview. 

4) Go to the interview

  • In the interview they will ask you about your circumstances and why you want to work in the UK
  • Remember to bring the documents they told you in the letter!

​5) You will receive the final letter with your National Insurance Number (NIN)

  • It will tell you how much tax you have to pay according to your income.
  • Make sure you change it with your employer if you gave them the provisional one.


Careers Service Oxford Brookes

Casual Jobs


1) Volunteering for Charity

  • There are plenty of volunteering opportunities in Oxford from Charity shops to non-profit organisations. - Just email them or drop by :)
  • This is something that will really enhance your CV and give you valuable working experience- and most importantly, you are contributing to a good cause! 

2) Volunteering for paid experiments

  • There are also paid volunteering jobs taking part in experiments from Oxford University.
  • They are normally students doing PhD that need to do some research and they don't have to be dangerous!
  • You can find anything from doing tests in a computer, to trying a new vaccine, it's up to you what you want to do. 
  • If you only want to do simple paid experiments that normally involve computer tasks register for the Centre for Experimental Social Sciences and they will email you with what's available.
  • For all other types of research and other volunteering opportunities check the 'volunteers (wanted)' section in Oxford Daily Info.