ESN Oxford Brookes OPEN CALL 2015-2016

  • What do we want from you?
Enthusiasm , commitment ,  creativity  & reliability 
  • What are the benefits for you?
  1. Looks great on your CV & will give you lots of valuable experience
  2. Get to meet new people from all over the world!
  3. Travel & go on really cool trips in the UK & abroad
  4. HAVE FUN!


  • How to apply?

​You just have to fill the form attached at the end of this page and submit it to by the 26th of April 2015

  • How does the election process work?

All members of the society will be invited to the Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on the 29th of April 2015 where they will read all the applications (without the personal details) and rate them from 1-3. The person with the most points for the position will win! 

  • When & how will I know if I have been elected? 

You should receive an email between the 29th-30th of April 2015 letting you know about the results. -  Good luck! 


Things that we assume everyone will do:

  • Attend/ help at the events whenever possible
  • Encourage home students to go on exchange.
  • Be willing to help the exchanges department with their events


Time dedication per week: 6 - 8 hours

The President is the figurehead of the society to all external interests, and is responsible for supervising and leading the rest of the board.

  • Point of contact with the exchanges department, international office (ISAT) and Student Union.
  • Represent the society on National and International events - expenses covered
  • Supervise other board members
  • Organise and chair board meetings – every week/fortnight

Vice President:

Time dedication per week: 4 - 6 hours

The Vice President is the deputy figurehead of the Society to all external interests. S/he is the right hand of the President. 

  • To work closely with the president.
  • Organise weekly office hours– dates, times, venues.
  • Represent the society on National events, and International events (if the president cannot attend)- expenses covered
  • Recruitment & management of active members (=members that want to help out during events)
  • Update & maintain mailing lists.
  • Make the ESNcards (membership cards)


Time dedication per week: 1 - 2 hours (+ optional events attendance)

The Treasurer should maintain the accounts of the society and is responsible for the approval of budgets and ensuring the financial stability of the society.

  • Keeping track of any funds paid into the account and the general cash flow of the section's accounts.
  • Collect & keep track of membership fees
  • Produce and sign budget forms for events (SU template)
  • Responsible for the use of the society debit card and to authorise/approve transactions
  • Write up minutes from board meetings
  • Set/approve budgets for events

Events Coordinator (x3):

Time dedication per week: 3 - 4 hours

Events managers are responsible for the creation, planning, and running of the events and trips. Each events coordinator will choose one International project (SocialErasmus, ExchangeAbility, Responsible Party) for which they have to create at least 1 event per year. They will communicate closely with the treasurer (budgets) and the communications manager. As a team they will be responsible for planning the events in advance.

  • Come up with new social events and trips.
  • Planning of events - Book venues, transport, food, ticket sales, confirmation emails, etc...
  • Create the events on Facebook & upload details on website.
  • Pass over the events details to the Marketing Coordinator for the newsletter & the Graphics designer for the promotional material.
  • Keep in touch with International office to arrange Buddies to come to our events

Communications Manager:

Time dedication per week: 3 - 4 hours

The Marketing Officer shall be responsible for promoting and advertising all activities and events of the Society to its members and around the University.

  • Plan the Communication strategy for the year (when are things posted & what is being posted)
  • Keep an eye on ESN UK posts & repost when necessary.
  • Research and post about other interesting events in Oxford and post about partners.
  • Newsletter every Sunday - template given
  • Take photos during the events or find someone to do it and collect the pictures- Upload photos with ESN Oxford Brookes logo on Facebook page


Graphics and communication:

Time dedication per week: 2 - 3 hours (+ optional events attendance)

  • Posters & Flyers – Design and print posters and flyers to promote section and ESN UK National events, as well as to promote the society and increase awareness around campus.
  • Visual Identity – To use all ESN logos in a way which abides by the ESN visual identity rules (information booklet provided)


Time dedication per week: 1-2 hour (+ optional events attendance)

The Webmaster is responsible to keep the content of the society’s website up to date (, as well as to accommodated the needs of the society related to IT.

  • Content Management, keeping website up to date and secure.
  • Track the Google analytics of the website.
  • Web Project Development/ Management/ Coordination – According to the society’s needs, if any.
  • Investigation and application of new technologies – optional
  • Can be involved with the IT team of ESN UK and produce bigger projects for all the societies (sections) part of ESN UK.
Attachment Files: