Now that you are at Brookes, you can start considering the library and its online databases as your new BEST FRIENDS!

They really are the best resources you have, if you want to get good grades :)

Where is the library?

  • The main library is in the John Henry Brookes Building (JHBB) and is where most of the books are.
  • There is a library in Wheatley that has books mainly for business and computer science.
  • There is a library in Harcourt Hill that has a variety of books but mainly about education

How to I look for a book?

1) Find what book you need for your assignment! You can search for it using the 'search catalogue'

2) Once you have selected a book it will tell you in which library you can find it and it will show you a code.

3) The books are organised with special codes or labels that are used to identify and classify the books. In the library you will find them in alphabetical order and then in numerical order

** If you need help learning how to find a book or you just can't find one go and ask the library staff! They are all very nice and helpful :)


Online databases

  • The databases are accessed through the library website 'here'.  They are simply places where they store many articles from various sources and you can access them and download them directly. 
  • In your assignments you will be asked to use 'peer reviewed articles' which are articles published in journals that have been reviewed before publishing on experts on the subject. This is just to make sure that the information that you are using is reliable! 
  • There are many types of databases depending on the subject that you study. If you would like to learn how to use them ask in the library about 'Database trainings' and keep an eye on your emails because some of your module leaders might email you about it! 

Group Study Rooms

These are private rooms that you can book if you would like to have a quiet space to meet with your groups when doing groupwork

Normally they have a table with chairs and also a white board and maybe an interactive board and a computer.

They are available in the JHBB library and Wheatley libraries. You can book them by asking in the library or calling them.

Harvard Referencing System

  • This is the referencing system used at Oxford Brookes and its purpose is to make sure that you have not copied other people's work straight away.
  • You can find some help from the library on how to reference 'here'.
  • If you need help referencing make sure you go to Upgrade in advance.

1) Cite them right

  • There is a very good book called 'Cite them Right' which is very easy to use and explains to you in detail how to reference correctly the different types of resources
  • You can find a paper copy in the libraries or use it online

2) End note

  • It's a website/computer program that helps you with referencing
  • The library provides free training on how to use that so feel free to ask them about it. 

Print, Scan & Copy

1) Print

  • It is linked with your student number.
  • You have to charge your account and you can do this online or at the library.
  • You can print in black & white or in colour, and in A4 or A3.
  • Check out the printing charges 'here'. 
  • You can also use 'Brookes Print' which is a professional printing service for Oxford Brookes but also works with external partners. 

2) Scan

  • It takes the money out from your student account
  • You can find scanners in all the floors in the JHBB library

3) Copy

  • You need a special card to be able to photocopy. You can buy it at the library in the JHBB just ask the staff there :)
  • You will need to insert it in the photocopier machine and it will tell you how many photocopies you have left.
  • You can find photocopiers in all floors in the JHBB library.